The Children's Garden

Highview's Garden

Cathedral's Garden

(Pembroke Co-operative Nursery School Inc.)

Phone: (613) 735-2259


The Children's Garden, Highview's Garden, Cathedral's Garden
(Pembroke Co-operative Nursery School Inc.)

Our Philosophy

At "our gardens", our goal is to present a unique opportunity for mutual learning experiences - children, family members and educators learning together.

We will accept children where we possibly can and will try to provide for each of them an environment that encourages optimum growth socially, emotionally, cognitively and physically.

Children are given freedom to experiment creatively in play, music and art, and they are encouraged to take pride in their own personal accomplishments. In addition, the spirit of co-operation with one another is essential.

In our co-operative, we value family involvement. Above all, we desire that family members enjoy their moments at "our gardens" and that they gain valuable experiences of working together for the good of all.

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